Opening Hours
Phone: 1300 769 247
Monday to Friday: 09am to 5pm
Address: Unit 11, 76 Township Drive, Burleigh Heads, 4220 QLD
Gold Coast Twilight Ideas After Dark
Wed, 28 Nov
|Fleks Workspaces
The Five Biggest Mistakes People Make When Trying to Sell! People make mistakes when it comes to selling every day. Asking for a sale can feel very uncomfortable and if you go about it the wrong way, you can miss out on great opportunities.

Time & Location
28 Nov 2018, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Fleks Workspaces, 76 Township Drive, Burleigh Heads QLD, Australia
About the event
The Five Biggest Mistakes People Make When Trying to Sell!
People make mistakes when it comes to selling every day. Asking for a sale can feel very uncomfortable and if you go about it the wrong way, you can miss out on great opportunities.
Instead of wondering why you missed out on a sure sale, this presenta-tion will identify what you are doing wrong and what you can do better next time.
So many people get into business with a great idea but don't know how to overcome the pushy feeling when it comes to selling. The problem is, a business must make sales to survive and many fail because people don't get good at selling.
About Janeen Vosper:
From shop girl to aerobics instructor then General Manager of Sales for a multi-national, multi-million dollar business, Janeen Vosper understands what it takes for women to create a successful career and business.
Establishing her coaching business, Speech Perfect in 2007, with the aim to share her expertise with women in small business, Janeen has worked with hundreds of women (and a few smart men) to become skilled at speaking on their feet in any situation.
How It Works
We start off with delicious canapés and drinks on arrival so don't be late because you'll need to fuel up for your networking workout.
You will have the chance to participate - WNA Style with your 30 seconds of fame in a fun and supportive environment not to mention expanding on your networking skills.
It will be lots of fun and an effective way to create an abundance of new business connections in a supportive and dynamic environment. Sip, sell and socialise and fast track your networking and business opportunities.
What you Will need
Business cards – you won’t be able to participate effectively without them. Make your 30 seconds count and don’t forget your sense of humour.